Fun ways to play with time and lingerie

If you’ve run out of lingerie games and techniques, it’s time to incorporate the clock in the bedroom. It can be very entertaining to set your own minutes and rules of the games and at the same time depend on the clock. There is a variety of plays to try with the use of time and wearing your favorite sexy lingerie.

1.Removing lingerie race
The act of removing lingerie can be made to be a lot more seducing and interesting when time limits are used. Playing a race game of undressing the other partner as fast as possible is very entertaining and simple. People adore such a games especially when sexual themes are involved. That way the desire to play and enjoy blend into each other and create a very vivacious and playful setting. It’s definitely worth to try speed lingerie games.

2.Clock and tying experiments
The timing can be very sexily used for tying the other partner and using the erotic lingerie. When one of the people is tied and unable to move using a certain time limit, a kind o tension is created. That way a woman can do whatever she wants and tease playfully with her lingerie, dance and actions. The clock excites men and makes them impatient to take control over the situation. The time can really affect desires substantially and be very useful for playing with lingerie in a passionate and emotional way. It’s a naughty technique to try whatever the type of game, bondage and intentions of the partners.

3.Timing lingerie games
Another way to use the time is to write down on pieces of paper certain time limits and sexy actions or lingerie, choosing them by chance. That way every person can be provoked to tease the other one and excite to experiment. The unpredictable character of time and choice is perfect for intimate moments and close couples. Using this game having fun with lingerie, objects and fantasies can be made to be one endless play thanks to the various features of time and the techniques selected.

Using time for creating some innovative and fun games can make you feel more passionate and free to experiment. It’s always beneficial to add some special erotic techniques in order to convert every lingerie and situation into something irresistible. It’s worth it to get naughty and creative, and put in practice all your wild fantasies with the use of timing and imagination.

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